Health Insurance 101- A Guide to Health Insurance in Pakistan

Are you thinking of taking out a health insurance plan? Are you unsure whether to go for general health insurance, accident insurance, or other types of health insurance?

If so, then this guide will help.

We’ll guide you on what health insurance is, what it covers, the benefits of having health coverage, and how to differentiate between different plans to get the best health insurance in Pakistan.

So, let’s get started!

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What is Health Insurance?

Health insurance is a general term that explains insurance coverage for medical expenses, operations, doctor fees, and other health-related expenses. Your insurance may cover everything from a dentist appointment to a major operation, depending on your plan. Some plans will even cover the medication costs.

When getting health insurance in Pakistan, it’s crucial that you understand the costs, what it covers, and how many families members your plan covers.

Why Do You Need Health Insurance?

If you’re like most people, you’ll wonder what the need for health insurance is? After all, most people have some form of savings plan for emergencies.

There’s nothing wrong with saving for health emergencies, but it doesn’t ensure safety for unexpected occurrences. Many medical procedures and major operations have become so expensive that they’ll eat away your savings plan.

Another problem is that savings plans usually don’t cover the risk of health emergencies. Assuming you’ve just started saving for emergencies and the very next day your family member is involved in an accident. What would you do in this case?

This is where health insurance plans are beneficial. They’ll cover the risk of medical emergencies no matter when these emergencies occur, giving you the best healthcare even though your savings may not cover these costs.

So, if you want to have access to the best doctors and healthcare facilities for you and your family, choose a plan from a good medical insurance company in Pakistan today.

What Does Medical Insurance Cover?

Every health insurance plan is different, and your coverage depends on your current health condition, age, and which health insurance company you’ve selected. However, most health insurance plans will cover major medical emergencies, including:

– Hospital Costs

This includes hospital fees, resident fees, and other fees related to a hospital stay. Make sure that your hospital stay fees are covered in the plan because some plans may only cover the cost of the operations and not the stay fees.

– Operation and Surgery Costs

Whether it’s a major dental operation, a kidney transplant, or even a life-saving operation, your health insurance plan will cover these costs. After all, covering the most expensive medical costs is the main reason for taking out health insurance in the first place, isn’t it?

– Doctor Fees

Sometimes, doctor fees are charged separately, especially if you visit a doctor for diagnosis prior to your medical procedure. Since these fees may be expensive, it’s best to have them covered in your insurance plan.

– Medical Devices

Suppose you need a life support device, artificial heart, or other medical devices to support your health. In that case, you can have these covered in medical insurance. This may also include prosthetic limbs and similar support devices.

Secondary Costs That Some Plans Cover

Some plans will cover the major emergency medical costs and provide you with the option to include secondary costs at a premium price. Some health insurance plans may cover the following secondary costs:

– Prescription Drugs

Anyone on prescription drugs knows just how much they can take off your budget, whether it’s diabetic drugs or expensive prescription drugs used for major medical conditions.

– Wellness Care

Suppose you need expert treatment such as rehabilitation for walking, elderly care, or other forms of special treatment. In that case, you can have these costs covered in your insurance plan.

– Dental Treatment

Sometimes you can add dental treatments to your insurance plans. These may include regular checkups or specific major treatments such as gum infection treatment or root canal treatment.

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What Factors Affect Your Insurance Plan?

Not everyone will get the same benefits from health insurance plans, and not everyone will pay the same premiums. Apart from paying extra premiums for more coverage, other factors will affect your premiums.

Age is a major factor that determines how much coverage you’ll get. A young, healthy person will get better premiums, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get insurance if you’re in your 30’s or even 40’s.

It also depends on how many dependents fall under your plan. The more people you’ve insured, the higher your premiums will be.

So, if you want affordable health insurance in Pakistan, make sure you get a plan that suits your needs. The best health insurance, accident insurance, or life insurance plans will cover both major and minor expenses and may cover several of your direct family members as well.

Last updated Saturday 4th May 2024